«Wherever I am, I can't stop thinking about gambling...»
It’s possible to become so gripped with playing that it's difficult to think of anything else. Swisslos is aware that gambling can lead to personal and social problems such as financial difficulty, losing your job, and isolation.
5 ways in which Swisslos takes its responsibility seriously:
#1 A minimum age of 18 years applies to all Swisslos products.
#2 Swisslos works with professional addiction advice services and publicizes the SoS Gambling Addiction helpline number 0800 040 080.
#3 Swisslos blocks people who are in debt or who are playing beyond their financial means.
#4 Swisslos employs preventative measures when designing its products and sales.
#5 On www.swisslos.ch players have the option to set a voluntary pay-in limit. This prevents them from paying in more than they want to.